New Announcement on “Innovative machinery”: from 23/07/2020 it is possible to submit applications for incentives

Home Il Blog Diritto commerciale e societario New Announcement on “Innovative machinery”: from 23/07/2020 it is possible to submit applications for incentives

New Announcement on “Innovative machinery”: from 23/07/2020 it is possible to submit applications for incentives

New Announcement on “Innovative machinery”: from 23/07/2020 it is possible to submit applications for incentives

With decree of 23th June 2020, the General Direction of the MISE for incentives to Companies established the methods for submitting applications to obtain the incentives provided in the new announcement on “Innovative machinery” – published on 30th October 2019 in the italian Official Gazette – and defined within the national operational program “Enterprise and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 ERDF.

Who is it for? What is the purpose of investment programs?

This intervention aims to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (italian or foreign) – also based abroad, in possession of specific requirements set out in the announcement – which intend to implement investment programs in the territories of the Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily regions aimed at:

  • implementing an internal technological and digital transformation and/or favoring the transition of the manufacturing sector towards the circular economy;
  • increasing its level of efficiency and flexibility in carrying out economic activity, by purchasing:
    • machinery, plants and equipment strictly functional for this purpose;
    • computer programs and licenses related to the use of the aforementioned tangible assets.

What are the requirements of the investment programs?

Eligible investment programs must:

  • provide expenses not lower than € 400,000.00 and not higher than € 3,000,000.00;
  • be carried out exclusively at production units located in the territories of the less developed regions;
  • provide for the acquisition of enabling technologies capable of enabling the technological and digital transformation of the company and/or technological solutions capable of making the production process more sustainable and circular.

How are the concessions granted?

The concessions are granted in the form of the plant subsidy and the subsidized loan, for a nominal percentage calculated on the eligible expenses equal to 75%. The mix of benefits is articulated in relation to the size of the company as follows:

  • for micro and small-sized companies, a contribution to plant account equal to 35% and a subsidized loan equal to 40%;
  • for medium-sized companies, a contribution to plant account equal to 25% and a subsidized loan equal to 50%.

Applications can be submitted through a page – not yet operational – on the “Invitalia” website, according to the “counter” mode, until the available resources are exhausted, in the following ways:

  1. filing in the application, starting at 10:00 on 23th July 2020;
  2. sending the application for access to the concessions, starting at 10.00 on 30th July 2020.


Our Firm, thanks to the vast experience in business consultancy and assistance in obtaining funding both nationally and in Europe:

  • provides interested companies with all the information regarding the requirements and procedures for accessing the call, assessing in advance the existence of the conditions necessary for obtaining the facilities;
  • assists its customers in preparing the necessary documentation and forwarding it according to the procedures set out in the notice;
  • manages the practice until its successful conclusion;

Contact us immediately at +39 3711453121 or by e-mail at, to get the discounts of up to 75% of the costs incurred!

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