National Fund for Energy Efficiency (FNEE): what is it about?

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National Fund for Energy Efficiency (FNEE): what is it about?

National Fund for Energy Efficiency (FNEE): what is it about?

The National Fund for Energy Efficiency (FNEE) favors the necessary interventions to achieve national energy efficiency objectives, promoting the involvement of financial institutions, national and EU, and private investors on the basis of adequate risk sharing.

The applications are evaluated based on the chronological order of arrival and there are no rankings. The incentives, which amount to 185 million euros, are managed by Invitalia and are divided for 30% by guarantees and 70% by subsidized loans.

Applications can be sent exclusively online, through the Invitalia web platform. Before submitting the application, you must register for Invitalia‘s online services by filling out the appropriate form and have a digital signature and a valid and active certified e-mail address (PEC).

The application consists of the investment project to be completed online and the required documentation to be attached. The proposed investment, with a maximum duration of 36 months, must be started after the submission of the application.

National Fund for Energy Efficiency (FNEE): what is it and what does it finance?

The National Fund for Energy Efficiency (FNEE) supports energy efficiency interventions to ensure national objectives, in line with the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol.

The measure is established at the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) and governed by the inter-ministerial decree of 22 December 2017.

The objectives of the National Energy Efficiency Fund (FNEE) are:

  • support the interventions necessary to achieve the national energy efficiency objectives;
  • promote the implementation of efficiency measures;
  • involve national and EU financial institutions and private investors on the basis of adequate risk sharing.

The incentives are aimed at financing initiatives aimed at

  • the reduction of energy consumption in industrial processes;
  • the construction and / or implementation of district heating and cooling networks and systems;
  • the efficiency of public services and infrastructures, including public lighting;
  • the energy requalification of buildings.

Expenses related to consultancy, plant, machinery, equipment, interventions on the building envelope, specific infrastructures are allowed. Otherwise, expenses relating to assets acquired through financial leasing, used machinery, plant and equipment, vehicles and transport equipment with license plates, operating expenses, notary public costs, relating to taxes, fees or stocks, specialist advice issued by administrators, shareholders and employees of the beneficiary, expenses related to individual assets of less than 500 euros, susceptible of autonomous use.

Who are the recipients of the National Energy Efficiency Fund (FNEE)?

The National Energy Efficiency Fund is aimed at:

  • Companies, both individually and in associated / aggregated form, such as Consortia, Network Contracts and ATI;
  • ESCO, both in single and associated / aggregated form such as Consortia, Network Contracts and ATI;
  • Public Administrations, both individually and in associated / aggregate form, such as Memoranda of Understanding, Conventions, Program Agreements.

For companies and Esco there are some specific requirements, they must in fact:

  • be established for at least 2 years and registered in the business register
  • be in the full and free exercise of their rights
  • keep separate accounts
  • respect the Deggendorf commitment
  • not being in conditions such as to be a “company in difficulty”
  • be in compliance with the regulations in force (in the event that they have been the recipients of partial or total revocation measures of concessions granted by the Ministry, they have returned the amount due)
  • having obtained the certification according to UNI CEI 11352 (only for ESCO).

What are the concessions provided by the National Energy Efficiency Fund (FNEE)?

The concessions provided by the National Energy Efficiency Fund (FNEE), for companies and ESCOs, are concessions granted in the form of:

  • Guarantee: it is provided for companies and ESCOs on individual financing transactions (including capital and interest) and covers up to 80% of eligible costs for amounts from 150,000 to 2,500,000 euros. Maximum duration of 15 years (art. 9 paragraph 3 of the DM).
  • Loan at a subsidized rate of 0.25%, for companies and ESCOs to cover a maximum of 70% of eligible costs for amounts between 250,000 and 4,000,000 euros. Maximum duration 10 years (art.9 paragraph 4 of the DM)

Both the loan and the guarantee must be presented exclusively through banks or financial intermediaries for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

For Public Administrations, on the other hand, the concessions are granted exclusively in the form of financing, to cover a maximum of 60% of the subsidized costs (80% in the case of interventions on public infrastructures, including public lighting) for amounts between 150,000 and 2,000,000 euros. Maximum duration 15 years (articles 13 and 14 of the DM).

The beneficiary must ensure the financial coverage of the investment project equal to the amount not covered by the concessions (and in any case not less than 15%)

The concessions are cumulative with other aids (community, national and regional) within the limit of the reference regulation: art. 38 and 46 of the GBER and de minimis regime. In the case of Public Administrations, they can be combined with contributions up to a maximum overall funding equal to 100% of the eligible costs.

The importance of legal support

Coscia law firm, thanks to the team of specialized professionals coordinated by the lawyer Marco Coscia, registered in the special list prepared by the CNF:

provides interested companies with all the information regarding the requirements and procedures for admission to the National Energy Efficiency Fund (FNEE), assessing in advance the existence of the necessary conditions for the acceptance of the application;

provides the company with all the consulting services indicated in the “Growth Decree”, also assisting it in preparing the necessary documentation and forwarding it;

manages the case until its positive conclusion;

Contact us immediately at +39 3711453121 or by e-mail at

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