“New businesses at zero interest”: loans for young people and women who dream of starting their own business

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“New businesses at zero interest”: loans for young people and women who dream of starting their own business

“New businesses at zero interest”: loans for young people and women who dream of starting their own business

“New businesses at zero interest” is a subsidy measure provided by the MISE with Decree n°140/2015, with a financial endowment of about 150 million euros, which finances business projects at zero interest with expenses up to 1.5 million of Euro.

Who are the recipients?

The loan is intended for both companies:

  • made up mainly of young people between 18 and 35 years old or women of all ages, throughout the national territory;
  • established as a company no later than 12 months from the date of submission of the application;

both to individuals who intend to set up a company with the same requirements described above, within 45 days of any admission to the facilities.

What activities can be financed?

The projects must alternatively envisage initiatives regarding:

  • production of goods in the industrial, handicraft and processing of agricultural products sectors
  • provision of services to businesses and individuals
  • trade in goods and services
  • tourism

Click here to find out all the eligible activities and expenses.

How much is the loan and how long does it take to repay?

This measure finances, at zero interest, projects involving costs up to 1.5 million euros, but only covers 75% of those admitted. The remaining 25%, on the other hand, must be obtained by companies through their own resources or bank loans.

Admitted companies must carry out the investment plan within 24 months of signing the contract. Once completed, a facilitated repayment of the amount received is provided within a maximum of 8 years, with payment of two deferred half-yearly installments.

In addition, the beneficiary companies can carry out the spending programs on the basis of unpaid purchase invoices, allowing faster realization times and a less expensive financial commitment.

Click here to consult the list of participating banks.

What is the deadline for submitting the application?

The application is submitted exclusively online, through the Invitalia platform. Being a counter measure, applications are evaluated based on the chronological order of arrival and there are no rankings.


The Coscia Law Firm, thanks to its expertise and experience in the field of business consultancy and assistance in obtaining grants and funding both nationally and in Europe:

  • provides companies, young people and women interested in obtaining loans from the “New businesses at zero interest” measure, all the information regarding the requirements and methods of access, assessing in advance the existence of the necessary conditions for obtaining the loan;
  • assists its clients in preparing the necessary documentation and in forwarding it according to the procedures set out in the announcement;
  • manages the practice until its conclusion;

Contact us immediately at +39 3711453121 or by e-mail at info@studiolegalecoscia.it, to get up to 1.5 million euros for your business!

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