Circular economy: a measure to support corporate reconversion

Circular economy is the measure envisaged by the MISE with the D.M. of 11 June 2020 (click here to read it) and managed by Invitalia, with an endowment of 219.8 million euros, which supports companies in the conversion of their production activities towards an economy model aimed at maintaining the value of products, materials and resources and to minimize waste generation.
The primary purpose is to encourage the transition of economic activities towards a “circular” economy model, by granting concessions that support the research and development projects presented by companies, aimed at a more efficient and sustainable use of resources.
The recipients
The measure is aimed at companies of any size, in the ordinary accounting regime, which carry out industrial, agro-industrial, artisan, industrial services and research centers and have at least two approved and filed financial statements (or, for sole proprietorships and partnerships, at least two tax returns submitted).
For joint projects only, public and private research organizations are also admitted as co-proponents.
Are start-ups among the recipients of the subsidies?
Yes, as long as they meet the above requirements (ordinary accounting; two approved and filed financial statements, etc.).
The facilities provided
The benefits are granted in the form of:
- subsidized loans from the Revolving Fund for Enterprises and Research (FRI), up to 50% of the expenses and eligible costs;
- contributions to expenditure, to the extent of the following percentages of eligible expenses and costs:
- 20% for micro and small enterprises and research organizations;
- 15% for medium-sized enterprises;
- 10% for large companies;
The funded projects
The incentive supports industrial research and experimental development activities, connected to each other and both aimed at the creation of new products, processes or services or the significant improvement of existing products, processes or services.
Each interested company, therefore, must submit projects that include activities aimed at the productive reconversion of economic activities in the context of the circular economy, in one or more of the following areas:
- product and process innovations in terms of efficient use of resources and waste treatment and transformation;
- prototype design and experimentation of integrated technological models aimed at strengthening the paths of industrial symbiosis;
- systems, tools and methodologies for the development of technologies for the supply, rational use and sanitation of water;
- innovative technological tools capable of increasing the life time of products and making the production cycle more efficient;
- experimentation of new intelligent packaging models (smart packaging) which also include the use of recovered materials;
- multi-light material selection systems, in order to increase the recovery and recycling rates of small and light materials;
Projects with a high content of technological innovation and sustainability, carried out within the production cycle and relevant to the circular economy are eligible (identified in Annex 2 to the decree).
Eligible projects must also:
- be carried out within one or more local units on the national territory;
- provide for expenses and eligible costs of not less than 500 thousand euros and not more than 2 million euros;
- have a duration of not less than 12 months and not more than 36 months.
Eligible expenses
Eligible expenses for the purpose of granting subsidies include those for:
- employees or staff in collaboration/administration relationships, or holders of a specific research grant;
- newly manufactured tools and equipment, only to the extent and for the period in which they are used for the research and development project;
- consultancy services for the activity of the research and development project;
- general expenses, calculated on a flat-rate basis at 25% of the eligible direct costs of the project
- the materials used to carry out the newly manufactured project.
Expenditure titles of less than 500 euros or the date of which is not included in the period of development of the project are not allowed.
How to apply for benefits
Applications can be submitted by interested companies exclusively online, also jointly, from Monday to Friday (from 10.00 to 19.00), by clicking here.
To pre-fill and submit the application it is necessary:
- be in possession of a SPID * identity, a digital signature and a certified e-mail address (PEC);
- access the reserved area.
Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the date of presentation at the counter and the concessions will be granted until the available resources are exhausted.
Our support
Our Law Firm, thanks to the expertise and experience in the field of consulting and assistance to businesses in the context of managing the procedures for obtaining subsidies in favor of businesses:
- provides all entrepreneurs interested in obtaining the facilitations of the “circular economy” call for advice and specific assistance to assess the eligibility of the company to the facilities;
- assists the company in the phases of project evaluation, preparation and sending of documents, as well as in relations with examiners and in the management of the case up to the granting of the facilities.
Contact us immediately at the numbers +39 0683521985 or + 39 3711453121, or write to us at for specific advice.