“Digital transformation”: from today it is possible to obtain subsidies up to € 100,000,000.00

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“Digital transformation”: from today it is possible to obtain subsidies up to € 100,000,000.00

“Digital transformation”: from today it is possible to obtain subsidies up to € 100,000,000.00

With the Directorial Decree of 1 October 2020 (click here to read it), the MISE has set the terms, conditions and methods for submitting applications to obtain the facilities provided for in the Digital Transformation announcement.

From today at 12:00 it is possible to submit the applications. Let’s see what are the characteristics and the recipients of the announcement.

The objective of the announcement

The Digital transformation announcement (click here to read it) was provided for by the “Growth Decree” to support the technological and digital transformation of the production processes of micro and SMEs, through the development of projects that implement the enabling technologies identified in the National Business Plan 4.0., as well as other technologies related to digital supply chain solutions.

The recipients

All micro and SMEs that, on the date of submission of the application:

  • operate mainly in the sectors:
  • manufacturing and/or in that of direct services to manufacturing companies and/or in the tourism sector and/or in the trade sector;
  • tourism, for companies engaged in the digitization of the use of cultural assets, also with a view to greater accessibility and in favor of disabled people;
    • have achieved an amount of revenues from sales and services equal to at least € 100,000.00, in the year to which the last approved and filed financial statements refer;
    • have at least two financial statements approved and filed with the Business Register;
    • are not subject to bankruptcy proceedings and are not in a state of bankruptcy/liquidation/receivership/arrangement with creditors or similar.

All the economic activities allowed are indicated in annex 1 of the announcement (click here to discover them).

Projects and concessions granted

The announcement finances projects for amounts up to Euro 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million/00), on the basis of a nominal percentage of eligible costs and expenses equal to 50 percent, broken down as follows: 10% in the form of a contribution and 40% as a subsidized loan.

The projects must be aimed at the technological and digital transformation of the production processes of the proponents by means of the implementation of:

  • to enabling technologies identified by the National Business Plan 4.0. (advanced manufacturing solutions, additive manufacturing, augmented reality, simulation, horizontal and vertical integration, industrial internet, cloud, cybersecurity, big data and analytics) and / or;
  • technologies related to digital technological solutions of the supply chain, aimed at:
    1. the optimization of the management of the distribution chain and the management of relations with the various actors;
    2. to the software;
    3. platforms and digital applications for the management and coordination of logistics with high integration characteristics of service activities;
    4. to other technologies, such as e-commerce or mobile payment systems and via internet, fintech, electronic systems for data exchange (electronic data interchange-EDI), geolocation, technologies for the in-store customer experience, system integration applied to process automation, blockchain, artificial intelligence, internet of things.

Furthermore, projects must:

  • provide for the implementation of process innovation or organizational innovation activities, or investments, for an amount of expenditure of not less than € 50,000.00 and not more than € 500,000.00.
    • be carried out within a production unit of the proposing company located throughout the national territory;
    • be initiated after the submission of the application for access to the facilities and provide for a duration not exceeding 18 months from the date of the provision for granting the facilities, without prejudice to the possibility of obtaining an extension of 6 months.

The procedures for submitting applications

Applications for access to the concessions can be submitted exclusively by computer procedure, starting today from 12:00.

Each subject, both individually and jointly, may submit, in the context of this intervention, a single application for access to the facilities which may alternatively concern a single project of:

  • process innovation;
  • innovation of the organization;
  • investments.

SMEs in possession of the aforementioned requirements may submit, even jointly with each other – provided that the number does not exceed ten – projects carried out through the use of the network contract instrument or other contractual forms of collaboration, including the consortium and the partnership in which a DIH – digital innovation hub or an EDI – digital ecosystem for innovation, as referred to in the National Business Plan 4.0, appears as the lead promoter.

To access the IT procedure, the identification of the compiler is required (legal representative of the beneficiary or the leader in the case of an aggregate or associated form) through the SPID or the CNS or, alternatively, the Invitalia digital identity management system. .


The Coscia Law Firm, thanks to its expertise and experience in the field of business consultancy and assistance in accessing tenders aimed at obtaining funding both at national and European level:

  • provides interested companies with all the information regarding the requirements and methods of access to the Digital Transformation call, assessing in advance the existence of the necessary conditions for obtaining the facilities and financing;
  • assists its customers in preparing the necessary documentation and forwarding it in accordance with the procedures set out in the notice;
  • manages the practice until its conclusion;

Contact us immediately at num. +39 3711453121 or by e-mail at info@studiolegalecoscia.it, to obtain discounts for your project up to Euro 100,000,000.00!

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