Consortia for the internationalization of SMEs

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Consortia for the internationalization of SMEs

Consortia for the internationalization of SMEs

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – with Decree of the Director General for the promotion of the country system no. 2512 of 10.05.2022 – provided for the incentive “Consortia for internationalization”, a measure that aims to support the projects of small and medium-sized enterprises belonging to a consortium, in the international dissemination of their products.

The financial endowment of the incentive is 1,507,044 euros, of which almost 570,000 euros are intended for the internationalization of the mono-regional consortia of the Sicily Region.

The recipients of the incentive

The contribution is aimed at subjects established in the form of consortium or consortium/cooperative company, having as their object the international dissemination of products and services, pursuant to law no. 134/2012, as well as supporting their presence on foreign markets also through collaboration and partnership with foreign companies.

The amount of the bonus

The “Consortia for internationalization” measure consists of a non-repayable grant, granted under a de minimis regime – therefore within a total amount of € 200,000.00 received over three years – equal to 50% of the eligible expenses incurred.

It is disbursed in a lump sum, up to a maximum of 150,000 euros, on the basis of the expense report sent when submitting the application.

The object of the concessions

The measure finances projects whose objective is the international dissemination of the products of the SMEs belonging to the consortium.

In particular, projects are eligible:

  • aimed at target markets in accordance with the provisions of the control room for Italy International;
  • for a total amount of not less than 80,000 euros and not more than 300,000 euros;
  • started after 1 January 2019 and concluded by the date of application for the grant.

How to submit the application

The application must be sent to the certified email address, by 9 September 2022.

Each consortium can submit only one request.

The application, drawn up using Annex A (Application submission form), must be accompanied by the documents required by the aforementioned Decree, including:

  • the articles of association and statute of the consortium;
  • the financial statements of the last three financial years prior to the date of submission of the application and related approval reports;
  • the detailed report on the activities carried out and the costs incurred by the consortium, drawn up using Annex B (Final report on activities carried out);
  • expense certificates (invoices can be exclusively electronic, with the exception of foreign suppliers).

The importance of legal support

Applying for access to an incentive, especially for new entrepreneurs, can prove to be a difficult obstacle to overcome.

Our advice, especially in the early stages, is to rely on serious, qualified professionals with proven experience in business consultancy, who will guide you with confidence in choosing the safest financing methods and in line with your commercial strategy.

Our Firm, thanks to the expertise and experience in consulting and assistance to SMEs, both in the legal and commercial and corporate fields:

  • provides all entrepreneurs interested in creating their own start-up or defining an optimal business strategy, advice and specific assistance in bureaucratic and commercial practices;
  • assists its customers in the market analysis phase, in the preparation of the business plan and in the search for the economic resources necessary to finance the start-up;
  • supports the company at every stage of development, recommending the best commercial and legal strategies to be implemented, and assists you from the stage of preparation of the application, up to the granting of incentives..

Contact us immediately at the numbers +39 0683521985 or +39 3711453121, or write to us at for specific advice.

“Consortia for internationalization” aims to support SME projects aimed at the international dissemination of products and services.

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