Selective contributions: non-repayable contributions for the cinematographic and audiovisual sector

Selective contributions are amounts established by the Ministry of Culture and disbursed non-repayable – i.e. without the obligation to repay – through specific notices, in order to support the writing, development, production, national and international distribution of audiovisual works or to cinemas, as well as for film and audiovisual promotion.
The beneficiaries of the grants and the projects concerned
Selective Contributions, provided for by Decree no. 628 of 24.02.2022 of the DGCA, are primarily intended for authors, companies or organizations that request it, to support:
- writing screenplays for films and TV works longer than 52 minutes and web works of any length. This is the only support intended for natural persons (authors) and not for businesses;
- the development and pre-production of films longer than 52 minutes and of television and web works of any length;
- the production of first and second feature film works, by young authors, of particular artistic and difficult quality and of documentary, short film and animation film, television and web works. There are cost limits for works that ask for a selective contribution to production;
- national distribution projects for first and second feature film works, by young authors, of particular artistic quality; of cinematographic works of documentary, short film and animation; of difficult cinematographic works, with modest financial resources and of particular artistic quality that have received selective benefits.
- international distribution projects of national cinematographic works of fiction, documentary and animation – in collaboration with Cinecittà SpA;
- international export projects to encourage participation in the main international markets – in collaboration with Cinecittà SpA
- participation in co-production markets, courses, workshops and training workshops for independent film producers and works intended for theatrical exploitation – in collaboration with Cinecittà SpA
- promotion projects at major international festivals, markets and co-production events for independent producers of audiovisual works – in collaboration with Cinecittà SpA
- promotion projects at the main international festivals for independent film producers
- movie theaters managed by micro-enterprises or startups.
The importance of legal support
Our advice is to rely on serious, qualified professionals with proven experience in business consultancy and in the Cinema and Audiovisual sector, who can safely guide you in requesting selective contributions to support projects in the pipeline.
Our Firm, thanks to its expertise and experience in terms of consultancy and assistance to authors and production companies in the cinematographic and audiovisual sector, will support you at every stage of the request for selective contributions.
Contact us immediately on number +39 3711453121, or write to us at for specific advice.